Hello Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog Making Home Pretty. I am very excited to have you here! My name is Michelle and I am here to share with you tips and advice on topics I am most passionate about: home décor & DIY projects and beauty.

why I started blogging
I created this blog because I partly felt like my brain had atrophied since becoming a SAHM. LOL. I literally felt like I had constant mom brain and spoke toddler 90% of the day. Aside from needing to exercise my brain through writing, I also needed a creative outlet and space. I hope through this blog, I can reach other moms and be a source of inspiration and support!
When I became a stay at home mom 3 years ago, apart of me always missed working. Trust me, I LOVE being a SAHM and I feel fortunate and blessed to be able to do that. BUT the inner entrepreneurial in me kept tugging at my heart. I come from a family of entrepreneurial women. Both my mom and sister have started their own businesses and I thought, “Why can’t I be a mom and also create something awesome for myself?”
So here I am, starting this new blog for the first time. It’s something I have been wanting to do for a few years but always let fear or doubts hold me back. So when 2019 rolled around, I decided to just finally go for it! There will never be the “right” time or moment. Sometimes you just need to jump in and do it, even if things aren’t perfect. I am still learning how this whole blogging thing works, but I am excited to see where this new adventure takes me!
And if you would like to learn a little bit more about me, read these 10 fun facts below!
1. Matt and i met on e-harmony.
Yes, I found LOVE online! It really does work people! Haha. We have been married for 3 years and have created a beautiful life together. Meeting Matt was truly a prayer answered and I feel so lucky to have such a patient, loving, & sweet man as my partner in life. He is also one of my biggest supporters when I told him I wanted to start a blog. Thank you e-harmony!

2. I have two daughters and a third on the way.
I have always wanted daughters, and I feel so blessed to have these two little humans in my life! When I became pregnant with my first, we were in the middle of planning our wedding and I was totally shocked. 5 months into the pregnancy shocked! Have you watched that show “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant?” Yes, I was one of those chicks. So we cancelled our honeymoon and I managed to fit into my wedding dress 8 weeks postpardum. Crazy!!

3. we moved from california to colorado in 2017.
Matt and I lived in Southern California and were originally trying to move to Northern California to be closer to his family. But when jobs up there didn’t pan out, we decided to go out of state! Colorado was listed as one of the top places to live and we were ready to live somewhere with more affordable housing, less traffic and lower cost of living. Our house sold quickly and had 2 months to find a new home while 8 months pregnant with my second. Everything happened so fast! I will always be a California girl at heart but living in Colorado has been a fun change of pace!

4. i am half filipino and white.
Throughout my life, I always got asked, “what are you?” I would get Mexican, Hawaiian, Japanese, Thai, but rarely Filipino. Ha! I grew up with a rice cooker on daily, TFC on the TV, and the karaoke machine going on a weekly basis. My parents currently live in the Philippines and I would love to take my children there one day!

5. I have a business marketing degree and worked in leadership roles with corporate companies.
Before I became a SAHM, I worked in the corporate world and was very ambitious, worked hard, and loved leading a team. When I found out I was pregnant, I was working really hard at the time to try and get a promotion. The decision to leave that behind was very difficult for me because I loved my job, but I knew deep down I would regret not being around while my babies were little. Cost of childcare in Los Angeles was crazy expensive and did not seem worth it. Matt and I went through our finances to see if it was possible to live off of his salary and with some adjustments, we were able to do it. Adjusting to life as a SAHM was very difficult the first year, but I have to grown to love it.
6. My oldest has multiple food allergies.
Being a new mother is stressful enough, but adding multiple food allergies on top of that? I was constantly stressed! She always had rashes on her face and eczema on her body that she would scratch till it bled. It wasn’t until Olivia was 10 months old when her lips swelled up immediately after giving her peanut butter, that my pediatrician FINALLY approved getting her tested. From the blood tests, we find out that she had multiple allergies: Cats, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Oats, Soy, and Egg. I had 2 cats at the time and exclusively breastfeed. I had to eliminate many foods out of my diet, learn how to feed her with allergen free foods and eventually foster out my cats. It was a huge learning curve for me and still is a big challenge daily.
7. i am a freelance makeup artist
I love makeup! I love the confidence a little bit of makeup brings. And I love helping women feel beautiful for a special event. I started freelancing when my first born was 6 months old and it has been a fun side gig. It has allowed me to make extra money, have some “me time,” and meet a lot of amazing women!

8. i love coffee, italian food, and wine.
I always say, I think I was Italian in another life. I LOVE pasta. Pasta bolognese is my ultimate favorite Italian dish! When it comes to wine, reds are my favorite. Living in California has spoiled me when it comes to wine. I have been to so many wineries and got to drink some of the most amazing California wines! And coffee…well I don’t need to explain that. Toddlers + Motherhood = Coffee.

9. i have ran several half marathons.
I was a runner in high school and kept running for fun in my adult life. Running is something Matt and I enjoyed doing together as a couple and have done half marathons and spartan races together. As of lately though, I have been taking a back seat on running and getting more into cardio & weight training classes. But who knows, I might get the itch to run another half marathon one of these days…..or maybe just a 5k 😊

10. i love creativity: art, decor, MUsic, makeup.
I get super excited and happy when I am around anything creative. Whether it’s painting, going to a concert or museum, decorating my home or creating a beautiful makeup look for a client. All those things give me life! I am a first timer when it comes to doing home DIY projects but am excited to learn! I am tired of pinning pictures and day dreaming and have decided to just DO IT! I have a long list of projects I want to do in our new home and somehow I have convinced my husband to trust me with power tools. haha….wish me luck!

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If you would like to contact me directly. You can email me at makinghomepretty@gmail.com
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